Would you like to join our summoning circle for Volume 2?

We're conjuring new cryptids.

Paranormal Horror

The consensus is clear: Cryptid fans love paranormal horror.

The focus of your story should be a cryptid, a creature that is not officially believed to exist.

Your story should have a paranormal feel/tone, and should not be centered entirely in the "real world."

What is a cryptid?

Cryptids are animals that cryptozoologists believe may exist somewhere in the wild, but are not believed to exist by mainstream science despite the mysterious, consistent disappearances of their finest researchers...

For examples of cryptids, visit THIS Wiki page for inspiration.

Stories must not feature cryptids from Volume 1 of our anthology. These include:

  • Baba Yaga

  • Sasquatch

  • Wampus Cat

  • Rake

  • Zombies

  • Iara

  • Mothman

  • Banshee

  • Bunnyman

  • Jersey Devil

  • Grunch Road Monster

  • Bugul Noz

  • Doppelganger

  • Sasquatch

  • Black Dog / Fence Rail Dog

  • Slide-Rock Bolter

  • Aswang

  • Lake Monster

  • Wendigo

  • Vampire

Special consideration will be given to...

  • Stories featuring cryptids from where the author lives/lived or that are related to their main body of published work.

  • Authors who have read all the stories in the Darkest of Dreams Anthology, Volume 1.

  • Authors who have ebooks or other works that can be added as weekly bonuses or add-ons for the anthology's crowdfunding campaign.

  • Authors who are willing to take on an addition role to support the campaign and promote the anthology. Roles include: social media manager, content creator, graphic designer, crowdfunding campaign support (responding to comments, posting updates).


  • Length: 5k-10k words

  • Theme: Cryptids

  • No: Excessive vulgarities, rape, racial slurs/hate speech (even from characters), excessive gore (ie: new Texas Chainsaw Massacre or Chopping Mall)

  • Aim For: Building a thick atmosphere of tension, anxiety, fear; mesmerizing page-turner

  • Number of Submissions: You may submit up to two (2) stories simultaneously for consideration. If both stories are excellent, they may both be accepted for publication.

  • Absolutely NO AI-written submissions!

  • File Naming Convention: authorlastname_storytitle

  • File Type: Microsoft Word or Apple Pages or invite to a Google Doc (other file types will not be opened)

  • Formatting: 1 inch margins; 1.5 line spacing; NO fancy headers or footers, text effects, images, background colors, etc.; Times New Roman font, 12 point size

Keep in Mind

  • Stories must be fully edited upon submission. Stories with more than one error per page will be returned to the author for professional editing before any further consideration can be given.

  • You may submit stories under a pen name, but if your story is accepted, you must be able to sign a contract under your legal name. All sensitive information will remain confidential and be protected by the publisher.

  • All submissions can receive feedback if you so choose. If you are provided with feedback, consider it constructive. Don't be sensitive, and don't take it personally.

  • You may have an initial acceptance pending any suggestions for changes by the editor (AKA the Crytpid Curator, not a line editor). All effort will be made by us to clearly communicate what changes are desired and the deadline for submitting changes or waiving your story's spot in the anthology.

  • Allow up to 4 weeks for a response from the Cryptid Curator after submitting your story.

  • Fee: There is no "buy-in." You will be paid a per-story fee within 3 months after the end of the crowdfunding campaign. The dollar amount of the per-story fee depends upon the total amount of money raised in the crowdfunding campaign. After platform fees, fulfillment, marketing, and campaign management costs are paid, the remainder will be split equally between all stories accepted in the anthology.

Need an Editor?

Here are the editors we can recommend who are willing to work for a $75 flat-rate fee per story:

Nan Sampson Bach - [email protected]

Laura Martone - [email protected]

Deadline: May 31st, 2023 @11:59 pm (US Eastern)


If your story is accepted, you will be expected to...

  • Provide a long and short bio, headshot, social links, etc.

  • Provide an audio commentary about your story(ies)

  • Participate fully in promoting the anthology's crowdfunding campaign via your online presence (website, social media channels, newsletter, etc.)

  • Give 100% effort to campaign promotion -- don't simply post once and ghost.

  • Accept payment via PayPal

  • Respond to messages/emails within 72 hours

  • Join the DoD Vol. 2 Author's Group on Facebook for ease of communication

  • Attend any live events for readers (launch party, meet & greet, etc.) if you are able.

  • Be a good sport and demonstrate that you're invested in and excited for the success of the anthology.

© Copyright 2023 Audrey Hughey